Sunday, September 12, 2004

Status: Busy

Wow! Leave town for a week and all hell breaks loose!

Found out when I got back that I had to entirely rewrite the syllabus (you've already heard this one) I'd prepared on the plane to accomodate department requirements that were unknown to me at the time (the email came in on Monday and because I was away, I didn't see it till Wednesday)

Rewrote the syllabus (which took much longer than I expected and involved the wee hours of one morning)

Attended two meet 'n greet type functions (one at BU and the other for NEU) in two days. Lots of smiling and making nice.

Started panicking about book reveiw due on Monday (yes, tomorrow). I think I bit off more than I can chew with this book review, and although I finished reading the book weeks ago, I'm having difficulty writing anything that doesn't sound entirely too elementary to make a good impression.... hell, at this point I'll go for not looking like a complete fool.

I asked to review the book because I'd read the previous volume put out by these editors and thought this one would be interesting - which it is. Problem is, I feel under-qualified to comment on the position of the text within the scholarship that it represents. So I'm not writing as confidently as I otherwise would - which annoys me.

Also tallied up the losses from working dumb ass summer jobs. I'm now three full weeks behind on the reading list I set up at the beginning of the summer... mind you, losing a week to unexpected travel and the prep for it accounts for part of it, though I'm still a good two weeks behind. F***.

If I don't post for a while, it's likely that I'm not dead, just attending to all this stuff and the people in my life who I see face to face instead of virtual.

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