Monday, February 11, 2008

Tired and wired

I just got an email from the tech people at an organization I'm a member of saying essentially "we had problems with our internet connection this morning, but now it's fixed. If you continue to have problems, please contact us"

An email.

And I thought my brain was scrambled from the weekend!

Last week was busy as I prepared to go to Boston for our second annual! grad conference. The weather last week was great, as is the weather this week, but on Friday, as I was preparing to leave, a storm blew in. It didn't seem like that bad a storm, and when I got to the airport, my flight was listed as delayed by only 15 minutes. No problem. I had two hours to connect in Toronto.

Two hours later, we finally lifted off, and even though the pilots made up time in the air, we got to TO airport with only a half hour to spare. I would've made the connection too if customs hadn't decided to close five minutes early that night. Yep, I missed my connection because the border closes at 9 pm in Toronto.

So I spent a mostly sleepless night on the Toronto airport floor. But I arrived in Boston about 45 minutes before the conference began, so at least I made it.

Travelling always tires me out, but spending the night in an airport really did me in. In my twenties, it would've been no problem. Even through most of my thirties I think it wouldn't have been a problem. But this time, it killed me.

I think I finally caught up on sleep last night!

Good news is that my paper went over quite well, and I had some great questions, which is always a lot of fun. And I got to have dinner with friends who I hadn't seen for a very long time. I have some really wonderful friends who helped out by adjusting their schedules to my wacky travel schedule and by driving me places. You know who you are and I appreciate it!

The icing on the cake? When I walked into Logan Sunday morning to come home, the first thing I see is that my flight has been cancelled! I thought I was in for the whole rigamarole all over again and was tempted to scream. Luckily they found a way to get me where I needed to go so I still got home at a decent time so that I could crawl into bed and finally sleep!

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