Friday, October 22, 2010

What's up, doc?

What's up, is that this semester is kicking my ass.

It's hard to believe that we're barely at the halfway mark of the semester. It sure feels like it's been going on for a very, very long time. So the thought that there's just as much of it still to complete as I've already done, is making the semester stretch in that weird way that film makers do when they zoom in/pull back at the same time. It's an eerie feeling that almost makes it seem the world is no longer obeying the rules of physics.

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying a lot of it. The Cultural Perspectives on Science course is developing pretty nicely. We've had the usual drop-off of students who've decided they no longer want to attend, but the ones who are regularly coming to class have been participating in some really interesting discussions, which regularly leave me satisfied and occasionally exhilarated. And the other classes are interesting too - there have been some really eager and productive discussion and some interesting assignments too.

But I do have to admit I'm finding it a bit of a rough haul right now.

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