Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Do you ever get used to this?

This week has been tough. It's only Wednesday and I've had four rejections already. Two job applications, a funding application, and an article.

At least they're varied...

While I've certainly gotten better at taking the disappointment of rejection over the years, they still sting, and when they come in clusters like this, they make me afraid to open my email or look in the mailbox because I just don't know how many more I can take.

At least when they're spread out, I'm bummed out for a while but then the quotidian intrudes and I forget, at least until the next one. But when they cluster like this, there's no recovery time between them and I find myself doubting the advisability of all kinds of things I'd otherwise never question.

So I'm wondering, does it get easier? Or do I just look forward to periods of disappointment interspersed with periods of normalcy? Just thinking I should prepare myself or something...

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hey sis, I know this has nothing to do with what you were talking about - but I will never reject you. Love you!