Sunday, October 30, 2005

Done and done

Well, obviously, the big exam is over and I survived. I actually felt pretty good while I was writing it and after (though I think feeling good after was just the lingering influence of adrenaline caused by the stress of not having enough time to say everything that I felt like I could have said).

I did almost nothing on Friday night afterwards, and then Saturday was filled with running around to soccer, SAT class, shopping, prepping food, hauling stuff over to the house where the party was actually going to be held, picking up family members from all over town and then finally starting to relax during the Halloween party itself.

Overall, it went fairly well, but we had a freak snowstorm here last night that kept a lot of people from farther away from attempting to drive in - understandably so. And my tropical costume ended up a bit chilly by the end of the night and I started putting layers on so that my costume didn't much look like a costume by the end of the night. The snow also meant that the kids couldn't do some of the activities we'd planned outside, though I think my two oldest daughters who organized and ran the kids activities did a great job of it. Kudos to them!

Now I have to mark papers that I've put aside while prepping for the test and the party - ugh - though I must say the drafts that I saw were fairly well done, so it should go quickly. Oh, and I guess I'd better buy more candy for tomorrow night too.

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