Friday, November 03, 2006


Fall is awfully short here. I'd forgotten that. Actually, when we went to New England, I marvelled at how long the fall was, but coming back, I'd forgotten that the reverse was true, that it's very short here.

Since the snowfall last weekend, it has felt wintry, even though I know all the snow will be gone again by the end of this weekend and it will feel much nicer outside. Which is good, because I'm not quite ready for cold yet.

I've been trying to be more diligent in my running schedule and quit making excuses for not going. Cold weather one of those excuses I'm really happy to use, and I don't want to start using it... at least not yet. But I think I'm going to have to get some better cold weather running gear.

When we were here before, I lived a couple of blocks away from the Olympic Oval, which has a beautiful 400m track around it and is open to the public whenever the speedskaters don't have it booked (you can just barely see the track running just outside of the ice surface in the photograph). I sure got spoiled having that facility next door. The temperature at ice level was perfect for running, whether in the heat of summer, or the cool of winter. Now I have no access to an indoor track, so if I want to go, I have to venture outdoors. Hence, the quest for better outdoor running gear.

The snowfall did allow me to impress my oldest daughter however. The main roads are pretty good - it's not really that cold nor have we had that much snow - but the side roads to her house are pretty slick. I came around one corner and the backside of the car began to slide, so I went with it and pulled it through the corner. I pulled up in front of her house and she said to me. "That was so scary. But you just kept talking as if nothing happened!" (It wasn't really scary - I've had scary slides, and this was nothing more than a little slip of the rear end around an icy corner - but she's now starting to pay attention to these things) So she thought I was pretty cool to handle it that way. Kinda neat when you're kids think you're cool, even when you know you're not...

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