Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I just keep adding on the new year's resolutions... a few days late, but then again, one of my resolutions was not to increase my punctuality!*

So, the newest addition is to increase positivity in my life.

Yes, last year I took the complaint free world challenge and pulled off my band at the end of summer (it is easier in summer not to complain, isn't it?!) But I'm also realizing that hearing too much negativity also isn't good for anyone.

Now in case you accuse me of becoming a pollyanna, let me explain. I will still listen to the news, and I will still read my student evaluations, and I will still listen to my family when they want to vent.

What I am resolved to do is to eliminate the unimportant negativity - the blogs or fora or listserv messages that consist primarily of snark, complaints, or other unnecessary negativity. Yes, I'll of course listen to my family's and friends' problems - that's what family and friends are for. But listening to the complaints of strangers? Or political snark? Why do I need these things? I'm coming to realize that snark, as funny as it can sometimes be, has too much negativity just under the surface, and hearing too much of it makes me depressed. My friends and family? I can help by listening. Negative TV programs or magazine articles or online rants? Don't need me. And I don't need them.

So I'm off on an experiment to resist the temptation to snigger at snark and bask in schadenfreude and just play it straight up. Let's see what happens!

*those of you who know me IRL will appreciate how much this is not ever going to need to be on my resolutions list!

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