Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Turning back the clock

Yesterday, I helped my oldest daughter move back into our house.

I'll let you think about that one for a moment. I know I did when she first proposed it.

The rationale is that a temporary retreat to home will help her save some money for school. I can't argue with such a desire. After all, I'd like to see her return to school as well.

The part that I find myself wondering about is the changing family dynamics. When she moved out, they changed, so I imagine the same will happen moving back in. But I also wonder how she'll manage going from independence to a house full of people she's used to being in a more dependent relationship with.

It doesn't help that she's literally in a dependent situation because she's hobbling around on crutches after a sprained ankle on the weekend.

She's a smart cookie. We all are for that matter. So we'll readjust. But it will be a little odd for a while I'm sure.

I will be happy to see her more often though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So your oldest has moved home! How has that been? Do you like having them all home? I know I love having my kids around but I was just thinking about that the other day - how long will I let them live at home? Say hi to your beautiful kids for me.