Friday, June 10, 2005

Excited about academics!?

I'm actually pretty excited about academic-type stuff right now. Yesterday, a group of us got together to talk about a graduate student colloquium for the upcoming year. We're hoping to meet once a month to exchange papers, share the work that we're doing, and hear what other people are doing. I think it's a great idea (which is why I was a bit of a pain in the ass about bugging people to have this meeting) and we're just trying to arrange when we might meet over the summer, you know, kind of a dry run type of thing, get us up to speed before the term actually starts.

I'm looking forward to hearing/reading what other people are writing, and if I ever get around to doing some more revision on the paper I've been working on, then I'll be excited to get feedback on that too. Makes me think it's kinda cool being an academic-type person!

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