Saturday, June 03, 2006

Minding someone else's business

A few minutes ago, I was sitting studying, feeling a little tired of all the reading I'd been doing when I hear this very strange thud from outside. Normally, I don't respond to much going on outside unless I'm lying in wait for a delivery truck, or someone is actually banging on part of my house, but the thud I heard was an unusual one.

I couldn't think of anything that would make such a sound.

So I got up and looked out the window - anything for a study break, right?

Imagine my surprise when I see a body at the bottom of the stairs leading to our house!

We ran outside, ferrying towels, first aid kit and umbrellas. I called hubby since he's the one with the most medical training in the house while I called 911.

It was one of our neighbors. I've talked to her only a couple of times. She's retired, used to own a wine store (hence we had something to talk about) and lives about six houses down.

She should be okay. She was able to stand, so her back wasn't hurt. She was very disoriented though, which is why the paramedics hauled her off... that, and she needed stitches to the side of her head and her nose was probably broken.

My willingness to suspend studying for the smallest thing - in this case a thud - worked out for the best this time. She'd fallen down a flight of three stairs, but the stairs are there because the front yard slopes, and it would've been difficult to see her from the street, or anywhere other than our house or the neighbor's (which is empty right now). So if I hadn't gotten up and looked out the window, she could've laid there a long time without anyone noticing.

It kinda feels good to know we could help someone today.

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