Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Blown away

The weather channel is saying the gusts of wind outside are hitting 75 km/hr (that's almost 50mph for those metric-illiterate). I suspect out here near the edge of the city, we're feeling it even more than people protected by the buildings.

I thought I was just that tired. But no, those gusts are strong enough that the house actually shakes with a few of them. Even my computer monitor is wobbling on the desk, the wind is blowing so hard.

Last week, I tried to run in this kind of weather - the gusts were only 60kph, but even then, I felt like I was running fully steam uphill when I was going into the wind, even though it looked like I was almost standing still. Made me feel old and out of shape. At one point when I rounded a corner and the wind angle changed, it almost ripped the ear buds of my mp3 player right out of my ears!

Today? Thank god for the treadmill. It's boring, but at least it won't steal my breath away!

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