Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Not so sneaky neighbour

I had to giggle at my neighbour's actions a moment ago. I was in the kitchen getting more coffee, when I heard a power tool start up.

Just outside my window, the neighbor was cutting branches off a bush that overgrows from our property onto hers. She cut four or five branches off, bagged them up, looked around, then disappeared back into her garage.

I think she was trying to be sneaky about it.

They did their yardwork this weekend. Several hours of it with various power tools. So why didn't they trim this bush then? I can only assume it was because they didn't want me to know they were trimming it.

Which of course made me laugh, because I really don't care what she does with the branches that overgrow her property. And if she'd bothered to ask, I would've told her to cut away!

Not to mention she wouldn't make a very good spy because she hasn't noticed that for the last eight months we've been living here that I work from home.

But such an example of human folly (silliness?) made me giggle at its absurdity.

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