Friday, September 21, 2007

Kids taking charge... in pink

This news story about a couple of teens who took action against bullies in their school is fabulous!

The students were reacting to an incident on the first day of school when a new student was harrassed and threatened for wearing a pink shirt. David Shephard and Travis Price, a couple of grade 12 students, went out and bought 75 pink shirts to hand out to students to send a signal to the bullies that their behaviour wasn't acceptable.

Now apparently there are several other schools in Nova Scotia where kids are undertaking similar "wear pink" days to protest bullying.

The greatest part about the whole thing is that this isn't adults telling kids what's good and what's not - it's the students who have spearheaded this campaign to stop the bullying. If bullies are ostracized for their behaviour, it will rapidly dampen the effect. It's when no one objects that bullying flourishes. That the students took on this problem is worth far more than all the PSAs produced about it.

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