Friday, February 27, 2009

RIP Philip Jose Farmer

I was saddened to hear that Philip Jose Farmer died on Tuesday. I remember reading his Riverworld series as a teenager (I never did read the World of Tiers series that he is also well known for, but might in the future). I was impressed by the imagination he showed in juxtaposing people from all different eras of human existence and then working through what kind of interactions they might have. I found that sort of thought experiment fascinating, and this series, along with the Foundation series and Fountains of Paradise are some of the first books to really impress upon me the power that speculative literature has to create new worlds in which we can examine some of our most cherished beliefs about humanity.

I do wonder what would happen if I read the books now. Would I be as impressed? Possibly not. Possibly I would be even more impressed. Regardless of whether they are great literature by any one else's standards, I remember the novel series being one that was very formative for me, and in some small ways set me on a path that has led to the scholar that I now am.

For that, thank you Mr. Farmer.

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