Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Perhaps I am breaking the pattern...perhaps I'm just procrastinating doing the things I need to...perhaps this is good...perhaps this is the beginning of the end.

Regardless. I read a writing exercise the other day that said 'base a character on a horoscope', so naturally, I needed to find a horoscope that might be useful for this. So I've been looking at a few.

This was one horocope I found for me for today: Take charge of what's happening to you and join forces with people who want to make similar changes. The people you meet who are struggling to reach similar goals will become lifelong friends.

Here's another: You don't have to explain your actions to those that know you. Newcomers can be classified by how quickly they grasp what's really happening. You love being part of this club.

And another: Although up setting, changes in your domestic situation will be favorable. Take a look at the possibilities of starting a small part time business with friends or relatives. You should visit a friend or relative who hasn't been well.

I've gotta wonder about these - I realize their supposed to be generic, but I find little in them that matches my life. Friend or relative who hasn't been well? Right now I'm the most unwell person I know (at least that I'm aware of). Club? When did I get membership in a club? (was I drunk?) Newcomers? Don't believe I met anyone today who I didn't already know...and don't expect to meet anyone new in the next three hours before I go to sleep. People struggling to meet new goals who will be lifelong friends? Hmmm...I think I already knew that my colleagues would for the most part remain lifelong friends since I get along well with those who I regularly interact with.

And none of these horoscopes mention the fact that I have come into three unanticipated sources of money today: 1) tutoring a student (a connection from a colleague who's moving out of state), 2) a student loan - even though I've maxed out the provincial loan limit, and 3) half a year's CCTB, which I didn't expect to get since I've left the country.

Don't horoscopes usually make a big deal about trying to predict windfalls? Or did my karma slip off into some kind of Taurus- or Aries-zone without me detecting it?

Things to puzzle over.

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