Monday, May 23, 2005

Happy Victoria Day!

Yeah if you had today off - celebrate! (whatever you're supposed to celebrate on Victoria Day - a dead queen for a dead political affiliation... but whatever)

Good thing is you have the day off! I on the other hand worked today - very early - ugh! But I get next Monday off, so I'll hang in there till then.

I've been a bad blogger, I know, I know... and right now I'm just in a funk even though I'm also pleased. I'm pleased because we reformatted the hard drive on this things and it's working better now - knock on wood - and in a funk because although I backed up everything - or thought I had - I can't find one file... one single solitary file... which is very weird, and if I don't ever find it, it'll take me about four hours to reconstruct it. Which isn't so bad, but I'm behind yet again - in part because I now have a fabulous and comfy new bed (which makes that getting out of bed to work in the morning even harder now!) which required an entire rearrangement of the bedroom/study to accommodate it (and we have LOTS of papers and books that had to be shuffled out and then back in) but the other part is just 'cause it seems like all of a sudden everybody needs to be driven everywhere and all kinds of non-student things seem to be demanding my attention - which is a fabulous break from the academic stuff, but tends to screw with my reading schedule. Oh! and I went to this entirely mind-numbing eight hour meeting last week that amazed me in that I had never truly experienced hypnosis before - took me two beers just to feel normal again after that one - yikes!

So you take the good with the bad when you're getting by, right?
*sigh* but I will be a better blogger... soon...

In the meantime, check out two new blogs on my blogroll - both by friends and fellow lit geeks who have nothing better to do than blog (um, yeah, sure): Jumbotron6000 and this is your brain on grad school.

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