Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Mom's late

which actually doesn't happen too often, but I realize I'm two days behind on blogging Mother's Day.

That's not to say I won't mention it.

Got a lovely email (that I just opened today - give you three guesses why I haven't checked email in two days - first two don't count) from a colleague that said that being a mom and a grad student was amazing, wonderful etc. (to which I agree, of course).

What I didn't say in my reply is that I don't know that it's that great, since I suspect that I do neither job terribly well.

Regardless of how well I do it, my family was appreciative on Sunday, and the girls even managed to limit their fighting to a mere ten minutes each in honor of my (rapidly diminishing) sanity. As punishment, I made them go with me to see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (which I saw for the second time), though at least one enjoyed it, so it wasn't much of a punishment. I can't recall ever seeing any other movie twice while it was in the theatre and I think this movie thus has the honor of being a Michele's first. Congratulations HHGTTG!

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