Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Brains and viscera

I am so fuzzy headed today! No, my hair isn't frizzy... but it feels like my brain is. I don't know why - today should be a day where I get a kick ass amount of work done. Instead, I'm finding it almost impossible to concentrate on anything... and my exam is only ten days away!

I got a good amount of sleep, am not dehydrated, and have had several cups of coffee - physiologically, there's nothing wrong. But I'm still having great difficulty concentrating.

All I can say I've accomplished all morning is to pay bills (with money I don't have) and register for a remote ballot for the next federal election. Hopefully they won't take two months to process it, or the registration will be for nought. I did find myself disturbed in a strange way by the part of the application that says that if I've been out of the country for five years, I lose my right to vote. Why? Is it presumed that I am too out of touch with the politics of the land that I have no right to decide my country's fate? Does being gone so long hurt my nation's feelings and thus it withdraws any affiliation with me? (I'm sure it will still require me to pay my taxes though...) But the idea that I'll no longer be able to participate in the political process if I stay away too long rocked my boat a bit. It's not like I lose citizenship, but I lose one of the responsibilities that citizenship entails, and that feels like a part of me is being cut off from my national identity.

Maybe I'm just overthinking this... maybe I've been reading too much about nationalism in general in preparation for these exams... but it's not just a thought experiment that's disturbing me - the thought of not being able to vote (whether I exercise that right/responsibility or not) struck me a little more viscerally. Not being a particularly political person, I wonder why it bothers me?

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