Thursday, May 25, 2006

The classroom just became a friendlier place

So today I figured it was make or break day - either eye roller was going to push it farther and do something that I'd have to slap her down about, or she'd get back in line. She wasn't in class right at the beginning, so I thought at first she'd decided class was useless, but then she showed up.

She didn't put her sunglasses on at any point in class - this was an improvement from Tuesday when she wore them for the remainder of class after her comment. She made friendly with others and with me during the break, then participated in discussion afterwards. I'm thinking, this is improvement and maybe we won't have problems.

Then she came up after class. And apologized for Tuesday.

It doesn't make the bad teaching day go away, but at least now I don't feel like I'm totally tanking either.

Thanks eye roller.

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