Monday, May 08, 2006

Talking and Listening

So I was telling a colleague over the weekend how many students I have in this summer poetry class - 28 - and she said, "Oh, so it's a lecture class then"

I really hope not! I don't think I can talk about modern poetry for seven hours a week. I can talk a lot when I need to, but seven hours? that's pushing it!

I'm actually hoping to have a discussion component in the class - I've built in a participation mark to encourage people to talk - and I'd like ideally for the class as a group to discuss the poetry. I think it would be far more pedantic to have to format discussion as small groups, because then you have to use discussion questions, which frankly get a bit annoying and students feel like it's just make-work.

At the same time, I know with 28 students, it's going to be real hard to get all of them talking. I know there will be some students who will talk all the time, while others will try to say nothing at all. But I'm going to try it anyway.... 'cause if I have to lecture for seven hours a week, my head will pop right off!

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