Sunday, September 10, 2006

Not even remotely settled yet

Even though unpacking always takes less time than packing, it's taking forever this time!

We spent last Friday shopping for furniture and bought a few pieces which we picked up last Sunday when we had the moving truck. With the new furniture, we had to make two trips, but got it all done in one day, which I was impressed with. I thought it was some kind of sign that we'd be all settled in by the next weekend. But here we are at the end of the next weekend, and I'm still blogging surrounded by boxes.

It's taking a long time to get all this done. I've given up on setting a goal for completion, and am just going to take it as it comes. This house is bigger than any place I've ever lived before, and it's more than twice the size of the last place we were living in (which doesn't actually say much about the last place) so it's odd to get used to how much elbow room we all have. I haven't unpacked a single box of books yet, so that might change though!

My sister and family came over yesterday, which gave us the impetus to clear space around the dining and kitchen tables, which we desperately needed to do, and we had fun playing host to their family (especially since we ended up at their place for 10 days! My sister, she's a saint! Actually, her whole family is!). Oldest daughter came over too and stayed the night, and it was nice to have her around, even if it was just for a few hours.

I'm looking forward to the day when I wake up and my first thought is NOT about what I'm going to unpack today!

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