Friday, June 29, 2007

Flying Time

Despite the best of intentions, it seems everytime I make a schedule for accomplishing work, I find it derailed in one way or another.

The derailment this time is a good thing. It's been about three weeks since I received an invitation to submit a book chapter for a new edited collection. I've been working furiously on it, and have actually made some good progress.

But it means I am now behind on the schedule I set for myself at the beginning of spring. It's not a bad thing, just annoying. Mostly because it seems that this happens every time I make a schedule.

And we're planning on moving this summer, so I'll get even less done as we search and then move. So schedules will have to fly out the window for the next few months.

I do hope this is the last time I have to suspend my reading, at least for a while...

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