Sunday, August 19, 2007

Moving Week

So this is the week we begin moving. I say begin because we'll be stretching it out till the end of the month - which is a real luxury, especially after all our cross country moves - but it begins Friday.

Obviously posting may be even more sparse than usual... or maybe more than usual as I distract myself from boxes...

On second thought, if I'm not packing, I should be revising the paper that's due at the end of the month. So I guess if you're seeing a blog post over the next week, I'm either sailing through the revisions, or I'm logjammed against an immovable and nasty syntactical behemoth.

But while I'm off packing boxes and furiously typing, I leave you with Tenured Radical's Ten Commandments of Moving. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

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