Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Opposable thumbs... ain't they grand?

Nice that our opposable thumbs distinguish us from most other creatures... of course human beings are known for their cognitive abilities, and their use of language, but those things aren't readily apparent in a first impression (and for some humans, they aren't even apparent after extended interaction!)

I've been thinking about my opposable thumbs lately, mostly because I've been hyper-aware of my thumbs. You know how they say you don't really know what you've got till it's gone? You could say the same that you don't really know how useful a body part is until it starts aching.

We've been refinishing our deck, which means all the old paint has to be sanded off before we can stain it. Why the builders of the deck decided paint on the walking surface was a good idea is beyond me. Stain, baby, that's where it's at for high traffic areas!

Funny too how the deck looked fabulous last year when we bought the place (actually only 10 months ago) and looked like crap as soon as the snow melted off it. If you'd asked me last year, I wouldn't have thought we'd have to paint for at least a few years.

So yes, my thumbs ache from holding the sander in place as it does its job. But if I didn't have opposable thumbs, I wouldn't be able to sand my deck... then again, if I didn't have opposable thumbs, I probably wouldn't have a house with a deck that needs sanding... or even care for that matter if the paint is peeling...

okay, the post is officially degenerating. Time to go...

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