Monday, June 02, 2008


Since my good friend was on a list-making binge lately, and I have nothing really intelligent to say, sharing lists ought to easy... Although none of my lists are complete, here's some samples:

This week's list:
Buy groceries and birthday cake
Pick up oldest daughter & cook birthday dinner for her
Teach 3x
Mark English papers
Write up Speech evaluations
Meet with boss for lunch
Attend client meeting regarding potential project
Prepare different project summary before lunch meeting
Mail chapter to advisor
Go to university library
Go for 6km run
Finish Wordfest book review

Things I want to learn how to do/take up as activities (money and time are of course objects to consider for many of these):
Get motorcycle license and buy a bike
Learn to dance the Salsa
Scuba diving
Build a decent wine cellar
Visit Australia
Learn how to fly an airplane

There's a lot of distance between those two lists, isn't there...?

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