Sunday, July 13, 2008

Celebrating the work!

I opened my email this morning to find a message from one of the reviewers for a book chapter that's been floating out there for about six months. It was a lovely email and very encouraging, with a very very good reason for not having heard about its status. Frankly, at six months, it's the one I've spent the least time waiting for! (And I know the book collection editor, so I knew she'd get to me when it worked. I wasn't as worried about this one as the others.)

I've got it back, and the only revision I need to do is some SERIOUS trimming to reach page length and a complete switch from MLA to Chicago style citation. Took a look at my Chicago style manual - it's 12 years old. Guess I'll need an update!

The trimming will be harder, because I have to lose almost 30% of it, which will be hard since all the elements of the argument seem necessary to me. I'll just have to work up a really ruthless attitude and then tear into it mercilessly. *sigh* We'll have to see how it goes. The good news is, with a deadline for the edits, I'm hopeful that there will be a publication date that I can put on my c.v. when I send it out this fall. At least I hope so!

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