Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day! I hope you had a day that featured at least a bit of relaxation... even if you aren't Canadian!

For the first time in a long time, I did not host a Canada Day barbecue - oldest daughter did instead! What a nice feeling being able to just show up with food, then sit back and relax!

She did a fabulous job as a host, and even had some really neat games/activities planned. I know she's doing the whole run down of everything that didn't go as she envisioned it, but she did an absolutely wonderful job! Hope everyone else had as nice a day as I did!

On an unrelated note, I am heading off to meet with advisors and other smart people for the next week, so posting may be sparse... then again, it may be particularly prolific, who knows? But I will be on a different routine, so it's hard to say...

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