Thursday, October 16, 2008


In case you're wondering, that's the sound you make when life gently broadsides you, knocking the wind out of your sails, just when you thought you were merrily getting by.

[Like how I managed to mix metaphors AND sneak in the blog title? I thought you would.]

My office looks like something exploded in it between the dumping of things when I got home from Georgia, and the digging out of other things in order to start generating the job letters I need to get sent out very soon. And speaking of job applications - wow! - does it every take a long time to properly tailor a letter to an academic job. Just wow. At this rate, I'll be ready to apply for these jobs NEXT year. Wow.

So blogging will likely continue to be sparse while I dig my way out of this mess. Wish me luck in all of it, k?

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