Sunday, January 22, 2012

Don't need an interpreter for this dream

Had a dream last night that needs no interpretation. It starts as I'm trying to find an address in an urban area because I have a job interview. It's a bit like MLA in that I'm trying to find this place, but when I get there, it's not a hotel but a little house. But I realize I've made it just in time - I'm 2 minutes early, and pretty happy I'm there.

I go in and am greeted by a woman who tells me I need a name tag before I can join the other job candidates who I can see sitting in another room. So I write my name on the tag and prepare to enter. But the woman tells me I've done it wrong and I need to try again. I ask her what I need to do, but she just turns her back on me. So I try again. And again. Repeatedly, the woman tells me I've done it wrong but won't answer when I ask what's wrong and I can't see the other candidate's tags to figure out what it should look like.

This goes on and on until all of the candidates have been interviewed and the interviewer announces the interviews are over. Everyone leaves and I'm left sitting in the little house, still wondering what I was supposed to put on the nametag.

Pretty obvious, isn't it? Something so simple as my name, and I can't get it right and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. It's clear that the constant job applications over the last couple of years are getting to me. I'm doing everything right, and yet nothing has come of it. And as much as I know the market's hard for everyone, it's hard not to see it as a personal failure, hence the problem in the dream is that I can't get my nametag right.

*image source: desdechado's flickr stream

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