Sunday, July 09, 2006

I don't know what's worse, the packing or the moving

We still don't know for sure where we'll be in a month. All I know is that we'll be somewhere else, so it all has to get packed. Packing is always a longer, more tiring, and dirtier job than you ever think it will be when you start. It's not like I move my bookshelves every few months to clean behind them... they sure can accumulate dust bunnies back there, that's for sure!

Keeping a sense of humor helps - over the dozens of times I've moved, I can vouch for everyone one of these:

Murphy's Laws of Moving
By: Sheila Moss

1. No matter how many boxes you have, you will never have enough.

2. The more your friends promise to help, the more likely it is they will be deathly ill or out of town the weekend you are moving.

3. Whatever it is that you need, it is always in the bottom of a box that has already been taped shut.

4. Now that you are moving and no longer need it, you will always find something you have been looking for for years.

5. The tape, the scissors, the markers and the screwdriver all know how to play hide ‘n’ seek.

6. The thing that gets broken will always be an irreplaceable antique heirloom - never something cheap that you didn't like anyway.

7. Regardless of long the drought has been going on, it will always rain on moving day.

8. You will always lose your checkbook, your car keys, the remote control or the telephone.

9. If you stay up all night packing to be ready for the movers, they will be late.

10. No matter how large the new place is, it will shrink before you move in.

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