Sunday, December 10, 2006

Finally moved in?

I've decided that acquiring, and cooking our first meal on a barbecue constitutes "all moved in"... and boy! was that a great tasting steak!

I like grilling a lot, so finally buying a barbecue - half price! who says it's crazy to buy summer equipment in December? - is the end to a quest that began the week we got here. It's not the exact same model as the one we'd first eyeballed, but it's got all the same features. And did I mention it was half price?

It cooks like a dream! People who have been to my house in real life and had barbecue anytime in the last several years may have noted the flame-like nature of our old barbecue. Not this one! Even in winter weather - chinook weather, mind you, but winter nonetheless - it produced a nice even heat that cooked everything just perfectly. And it's got one of those cool side burners for a frying pan or a pot as well!

Helps being in cattle country too - the steaks were an outrageously low price because we bought bulk and the quality was fabulous. Shout out to my sister for telling me about the place. I love it!

Steaks cooked on our new grill + beer I brewed myself. That was an awesome meal!

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