Wednesday, December 27, 2006

White Christmas... almost

Today, the day after all the festivities, the very relaxing and enjoyable holidays during which I did nothing, it now snows.

But I don't mind. I've never really felt like I needed to have a White Christmas to make it a real holiday. I've also never really felt the need to have turkey at Christmas (though this year I did courtesy of my sister).

Actually, no snow over Christmas was actually pretty nice. It was easy to get around and was warm enough that it wasn't a chore to travel. I like that.

Today, the day that I need to get back to work, it snows. Several centimeters. It seems appropriate that the day back to work is the one where it snows, doesn't it? It also feels really nice to have done pretty much nothing at all for the last two days.

Happy Winter everyone!

(clicking on the photo will show you a satellite image of how the earth changes with the seasons)

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