Saturday, May 24, 2008

Not sure what this one means...

You know how when you're anxious about an exam, or a new semester of teaching, you sometimes have those dreams where you're in the exam or the classroom and you're unprepared?*

I had a similar kind of anxiety dream last night, but it was all mixed up. I dreamt that I had signed up for a class on Monday afternoons, right after I teach. I was running around trying to get to the class. I had lost my schedule, but I'd been to it once, so I was trying to find the classroom. Oh, and for some reason, I had a lap dog with me and one of my own students kept following me trying to ask questions and he just wouldn't get it that I needed to find my own class!

Weird! I've never had one of these kinds of dreams where I mix up my roles as teacher and as student before... and what's with the lap dog?

*I had a unusual version of this kind of dream before my first husband and I renewed vows. I was sewing my own dress, and in the dream, I still had to finish sewing it an hour before the ceremony was supposed to take place!

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