Monday, May 12, 2008

This is why driving downtown is nasty

According to this news report, this weekend marked the longest continuous concrete pour in Canadian history. The pour is only second to one in Dubai and another in Vegas. Now that's an unusual event!

It also explains why it was IMPOSSIBLE to drive downtown this weekend. The Bow-Encana project has been wreaking havoc with Calgarians' driving patterns for many months already, but combined with the blocking off of additional streets for the Mother's Day run, it was impossible to get a car through the downtown core yesterday morning.

I know. I tried. I guess we should've taken the train down to the Tower for the Mother's Day run! On the bright side, it was finally *not* raining, and the sun was not overpowering, so it was a perfect day for running. I even finished the course about 2 minutes faster than I thought I would, so I'm happy with the results. (Daughter is less than happy with her performance, though I think it was stellar.)

But we should've taken the train!

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