Wednesday, May 07, 2008

People are idiotic in real life

Subtitle: Why I find Cloverfield annoying and will probably find Diary of the Dead annoying.

In real life, people say idiotic things when surprised, like "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Did you see that? ohmygodohmygodohmygod"*

Realistic? Yes. Entertaining? No.

Fiction film is still fiction. I like my fiction to be have a bit more intelligent dialogue than what we often spout in real life. Perhaps it's a bit of elitism. If writers are just going to write what people say, then they're just recorders. I expect writers to come up with more interesting lines than the kind of stuff that I say when I've not had time to think about it. I want to see the effort of a creative mind in my movie dialogue. Because lets face it, in real life, we say some really stupid stuff.

*I'm pretty sure this is a fairly accurate rendition of the dialogue in Cloverfield when everything starts to go bad.

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