Friday, November 07, 2008

Organizing and getting back on track

Okay, so November is the month of NaNoWriMo and InaDWriMo. As regular readers might know, I participated in NaNoWriMo in 2006 and was successful in reaching the goal!

I've missed the boat on starting InaDWriMo (International Dissertation Writing Month) since I was feeling to disoriented by the no-longer-on-the-job-market episode. I have re-started work, so that's good. And I'm to the point where I can listen to other people's job searches with only the mildest of regrets.

But I still am avoiding thinking about it too much.

So. I've got lots to do. Especially since now I need to recover the time spent on the false job-start. And my online work has gotten the green light on two projects that have been sitting on the back burner for months and now need to be completed ASAP. So in the spirit of InaDWriMo, I'm setting the following (dissertation and non-dissertation) goals for November:
  • complete edits on chapter 2 based on October feedback
  • evaluate and re-vise online content sample for academic client
  • re-insert edited writing sample back into chapter 3 and finish edits
  • draft theory and _Satanic Verses_ sections of chapter 4
  • finish audio recording, pdfs, and graphic generation of content for online trade client
  • expand theory section of the paper I was invited to submit to (respectable) journal after receiving positive feedback during last conference presentation
  • draft content for online social service client so that it's ready for audio, video, and graphics production in December
Given that it's already the 7th and I still have lots of teaching to do this month, the list might be unrealistic. But I do have most of my prep complete, and none of the big marking assignments will come in until the end of the term, so I'm hoping that the teaching won't feel overwhelming.

It's a big list. I know. I may not make it through all of it. But I'm hoping to get very close. I'll report my progress as the month unfolds.

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