Saturday, July 31, 2004

Lovely day

Trying desperately to stay awake and get something accomplished this evening... though if the coffee dosn't kick in within the next hour, I think I'm going to give it up as a lost cause and go watch a movie or something equally thought-less.

I should've known all that sun today would make me feel sleepy. The girls and I went to Hampton Beach in New Hampshire. The place was pretty crowded, and although we started getting our stuff together early, by the time we got there we had to park out along the highway.

But we enjoyed ourselves. I'll have to see if I can get pictures to attach properly and show you - but please don't be too disappointed if my meager technological skills mean I can't manage it.

I got a bit more sun than I wanted to - in part because the girls decided they needed 'one more swim' and that put me in the red zone - hence, the tiredness. But I will persevere with the coffee and try to write up the latest book I read Bringing Down the House at the link to your left. If you don't see it till later, well, you know I gave up and curled up with a good book instead (or a mindless movie - sometimes that's just as good!)

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