Friday, December 16, 2005

Should I be panicking?

Today's a weird day.

I feel like I should feel much busier and panicked about time because we leave for vacation in a week. But I don't.

I do feel sad. But that's only 'cause I had this really vivid dream that the place I was living (nowhere I recognize) was flooded, the whole area was in fact, but it was kinda beautiful with the water all around (that's weird). The flooding separated me from my family, and although I 'knew' in the dream they were fine, I felt alone and adrift (couldn't resist that pun) and I woke up feeling incredibly sad about the whole thing.

I'm jealous of people who say they don't remember their dreams. I don't always remember all the details of my dreams, and sometimes the things that happen in them don't make any sense at all, but I often awake in the grip of very powerful emotions that they've evoked. (It's a bit like the way a good movie or book can affect you by eliciting an emotion that then stays with you, even after you put the book down or the movie stops.) These emotions are often very powerful though, and it colours the rest of my day.

Anyway, I've got a list of things to do over this next week. It's not long, which I think is why I'm not panicking about it, but some of the things on it, like shopping, could take a very long time to do, which is why I feel like I should be panicking. But like I said, I'm not, which makes me feel like I'm forgetting something important that will give me good reason to panic.

That's just perverse.

And why do I always look at the "panicking" and think it's misspelled?

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