Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dissertating is fun!

Well, at least there are some fun parts to it. Working in an area that not only includes contemporary fiction, but a cultural studies approach to it means that the kind of stuff that goes on around me every day - the news, tv shows, ads, blog topics, you name it - often has direct relevance to the topic I'm pursuing.

For instance, earlier this week, while driving home I was listening to a song I've heard many times before. But this time, when I got home, I immediately looked up the lyrics for it, and wrote them down, because they'd make a great epigraph for a chapter. I'd heard those lyrics many times before, but with my mind on computer-enhanced human beings, they took on a new resonance.

I like this getting psyched about what I'm working on! I know it will get old after a while, but right now, it's pretty cool!

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