Monday, March 27, 2006

so what's up with me?

Thanks for asking!

There's not much blog-worthy going on. Lot's of reading too little time. I'm slowly crossing things off the list, but still worried I won't get all of them done by deadlines.

Having said that, I'm at the point where there are so many things going on, I'm having difficulty choosing which one to work on first, and when I start working on one thing, I have this nagging voice in the back of my head telling me I should be worrying about something else.

Reading today has been especially annoying since they're doing major renovations next door... which they started at 7:30! that's half past seven IN THE A.M.! I'm all for the early bird getting the worm, but you put Michele in an awful nasty mood when you start power drilling next to her head at that hour of the morning... grrrr.

I'm trying to console myself with two facts: 1) the house next door is as small as mine, so there is a finite amount of work that can be done in it, which means it should be over soon, and 2) the house on the other side had its renovations last year, so once these guys are done, I should be guaranteed to have some peace... just in time to leave windows open overnight and hear the lawn guys at the crack of dawn...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the rest of the day.

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