Sunday, April 23, 2006

Driving me ____

I suppose it's the case for most people who set out to teach someone else how to drive that they've been driving long enough that it's difficult to recover the memory of that first experience behind the wheel. I know I can only reconstruct one moment of my first driving experience - it involved trying to stop at an intersection only to fishtail as we approached it - it was February in Saskatchewan after all - and that's about the only thing I can remember.

I find myself wondering what oldest daughter will remember of her first day of driving twenty years from now. I hope it will be a mostly pleasant one.

She did some stuff really well, and she scared me a few times.

I suppose that's par for the course.

We're going to try to go out again in a couple of days... provided the rain holds off. I really don't want to tackle rain for at least a couple more sessions, though if we have to, we have to. Can't be worse than the ice the first time my dad took me out, right? So if you see me f2f and think the grey hairs are showing a bit more... you know why!

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