Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happy Blogversary to me!

So, three years ago, I started this thing. It wasn't necessarily an auspicious start - that first post - but I didn't really know what I was starting either.

I can't say much has changed.

I still have readers who live very far away who read in order to find out what's going on in my life - though there are actually more of those people now.

I still sometimes use a blog post as a procrastination/relaxation tool. I could use the tv, but I'm not really a big fan of tv, so I blog instead.

I've come to think of blogging as less egotistical, perhaps as a result of enabling comments and hearing back from readers. Entering into a conversation with readers, or other bloggers, makes blogging seem less a case of tooting my own horn, and more like a kind of conversation, albeit a lopsided one.

I did find it interesting to discover which words I use most frequently. Some not so much of a surprise... others, well, I didn't think I talked about them that much.

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