Sunday, April 06, 2003

A first attempt at blogging should have a sense of auspiciousness, or at the very least set the tone for the site. However, producing an intelligent and witty commentary on short notice is not as easy as one might think it should be (at least for me!) So instead I think I'll just state my aims for this site.

I guess there's more than one reason why I decided to begin blogging. In the first place, I would not have a blog if it was not for the pressure of my good friend Allie - thanks! It took a long time to convince myself that this wasn't just the most egotistical thing that anyone could do! I still think it's egotistical, but feeding an ego never's overfeeding it that creates the problems with the world! ha!

So, to my purposes: since I'm living so far away from so many of my friends, this site gives me the opportunity to let them all know how I'm doing so they hopefully won't forget about me!

And of course starting something as peripheral and unproductive as a blog spot is just the perfect thing to do when you're already overworked and really can't afford to spend time doing it! It's the perfect procrastination device, and a chance to vent, create, and just plain goof off...and isn't that what daydreams are after all? At least this feels a bit more productive than just staring out the window. Besides, the view outside my window at home is uninspiring, and non-existent at school, since I don't have a window there.

So here, goes, I'm contributing to the vast array of text (used in the most inclusive sense possible) on this wonderful wide world web! Cheers!

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