Friday, April 25, 2003

This week has definitely slid, and not just because I'm getting more and more worried about the comps test...though that plays a big role in my life right now.

I started the week by being accosted (pleasantly) by one of the other graduate students in the department who was practically vibrating, she was so excited, and who very excitedly told me her boyfriend had proposed on the weekend! Of course, she said yes and then told him he had really bad timing since the excitement was going to make it difficult for her to also study for the comps. I was, and still am, so happy for her - she's very excited and they make a really neat couple. And on Monday I had arrived a little worn out from the weekend, went to a meeting in which I felt really awkward and out of my league, so to hear this news was fabulous - it picked me up, and it's always cool when a friend has happy news!

But then yesterday (which is the end of my week during this term since I don't have to be on campus most Fridays), another classmate announced to us that she's transferring back home at the end of the term. Which of course is very sad since I'll miss her. To explain, there are only 4 people in my year of the PhD program...usually there's only about 4 every, with the hangers on (who take 7 years to do the PhD 'cause they're doing other things with their lives as well) there are only a couple dozen doctoral students, and I only see about a dozen on a regular basis. So now, in my year, there's only 3 of us. That's a far cry from the 100 or so students in Dwayne's class and you get to know everyone pretty well 'cause they're in the same courses as you....and they write the comps at the same time!

I know it's a good move for her and her husband, but just thinking of myself, I'll be sorry to see her gone.

And now we're only three....I hope there's no more attrition!

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