Monday, April 14, 2003

Monday morning and I'm already exhausted. There's something seriously messed up about being tired on Monday mornings, particularly when you don't even have any good party or event stories from the weekend to show for it.

The thing that's even more disturbing in a long term sort of way is that I have forgotten what weekends are supposed to be like. I've been studying for so many years now, that it's hard to recall what exactly I did on weekends before, since now all I seem to do is study! On good days, that thought is only mildly disturbing...on bad days, it's highly depressing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not short sighted or pessimistic enough to imagine that I never do anything enjoyable on the weekends - we certainly do plan things, even if sometimes they don't work out and we do get out and have fun once and a while. What I'm talking about is the kind of weekend where you have nothing in particular planned (including no urgent errands) and you can wake up on Saturday morning contemplating an entire weekend in which to do whatever you'd like to.

Is this just a mistaken fantasy of mine? Do I just think that other people have weekends like this? Does this kind of weekend really exist at any point after 20?

Maybe I'm just delusional...or maybe I'm just tired from the weekend!

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