Thursday, June 26, 2003

9 am and its 85/29 outside already! Our second floor apartment just traps all the heat that rises up to it - it was actually nice around 1 am, but other than that...

But I can handle it 'cause I just keep thinking about the central air in our new place! Yes, we found a new place to live - yeah! It's officially a two bedroom townhouse, but there's a finished basement that we'll be using as a third bedroom. It's set up a bit like the two bedrooms in Varsity Courts, though a bit smaller. The cool parts are the georgous hardwood floors, mouldings, dishwasher, central air and the fact that there's a ground level access that a piano will be easy to get through. The condo includes access to an outdoor pool during the summer as well - the kids will really like that one! We still don't have a huge amount of space, but we can spread out a bit more in this place. Hopefully keep out of each other's hair better that way!

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