Sunday, June 08, 2003

First weekend in ages that I haven't had way too many things to do...just marking student papers and even that has been relatively painless. Maybe because the students really liked the last sequence we did on madness and death. Maybe just my attitude.

Most of yesterday was a wash out in more than one way - first, because it poured most of the day, and second because I was feeling pretty nasty. Self-inflicted unfortunately. I haven't celebrated the end of a school year in quite such an excessive manner since the year that I snuck a mickey into MacHall duing BSD....that whole year was an interesting one! Now I remember why I don't drink to excess - it's not the fact that I might make an idiot out of myself that night ('cause that happens just too easily anyway!) but it's the fact that the next day is pretty much a wash out that discourages me from getting really drunk. But this weekend I did. I'm not going to feel guilty about it either - just need to do this once in a while.

The yellow menace died yesterday too - what the hell is the use of having a rain coat that only works in dry weather? I was really annoyed when I got home yesterday after walking to the grocery store in the pouring rain to get birthday supplies ('cause of course the car is still/yet/eternally in the shop), took off my raincoat only to discover that the little bit of water that leaked in through the collar and cuffs caused the dye in the lining to transfer itself onto the white shirt I was wearing! Errgghhh! So yellow menace went into the garbage can! I'm sorry that it's gone - I did like the idea that the coat stood for the power of student activism - the raincoat got its name from Jan Finney who, upon seeing it, described me as a yellow menace! Heh! Makes me feel like I at least was able to do some good during that time. At least we got the playground put in - I'm proud of that!

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