Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I am far too Canadian

Was told today I'm far too polite on my blog - not enough dirt or something like that.

'Fraid to say that's cause I have very little curiosity and imagination, which means I'm not usually part of any rumor mill... or if someone tells me something, I usually don't think of passing it on, which kind of defeats the purpose of scandalous rumor, doesn't it? My lack of imagination also makes my creative writing endeavours something more akin to pathetic drivel than engaging storytelling.

Those who can't... critique.

Would bitchier help? I can do bitchy. I just need to turn the self-censor off.

For example, I'm going to Calgary for Christmas but that mostly just pisses me off instead of making me glow with joy and delight because of the way I fucked up getting us there.

I'm pissed with airlines, banks, credit card companies, online booking software, and my apparent inability to pay attention when I need to. Fuckin' Air Canada, fuckin' broke ass bank account, fuckin' useless computer, fuckin' dumb ass scheduling.

How's that? Less Canadian?

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