Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Progress vs. productivity

So my output for today, even though I pretty much worked most of the day resulted in about a quarter of a page of writing. Not much in volume but I'm hoping it will help me focus and save time and energy in this whole comps exam process.

What did I write, you wonder? I'll tell you. I wrote about twenty lines which consist of two potential chapter outlines for the disseration. The dissertation! you ask, how can you be outlining your disseration already? Well, I don't quite know how, but I came to the realization that I've been reading pretty randomly and getting distracted by reading all kinds of other stuff - a bit of this, need to know some more about that, need to read more of this author, ooh that looks interesting... etc. - and at this rate, it will take me years to prepare for the comps. I need to get more organized.

So I need to focus - which is why I wrote two outlines - one would be 5 chapters and the other 8.

Have I written anything that could go into them? No! Have I read the things I'd need to to write them? Hell, no! But maybe, just maybe, I can keep my head on straight and start to make some progress on compiling a reading list. If not, well, I guess I just wasted most of today.

At least there's turkey to look forward to tomorrow.

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