Sunday, November 28, 2004

Post turkey blues

I figured I could take advantage of the long weekend we have to make some progress on not only reading, but rationalizing my lists for the comps. After all, aside from spending Thursday cooking, then eating and hanging out with friends who were nice enough to invite us to their Thanskgiving dinner, I had nothing planned for the weekend.

So, this is what I've got:

Things I need to do:
Develop a primary text reading list
Research secondary sources
Gather secondary sources from multiple places
Read primary and secondary texts
Submit a proposal (including reading list)
Get the proposal back with suggested changes
Resubmit proposal
If lucky, get proposal back with only minor changes
If unlucky, repeast proposal submission and changes multiple times
Do this for all three areas
Submit final proposal
Write the tests (4)

I could put a checkmark next to the first item on the list for one area, but not much more. *sigh* No wonder it's so difficult to do this in a year. Why they officially require us to do all this in a single year is beyond my comprehension.

It depresses me just thinking about it.

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